My graveyard of projects

List of projects I abandon. Some is finished, other left unfinished. But it's all pointless, or I don't feel it's useful to me anymore.


Superb Bootstrap

  • Description: SuperB Bootstrap is a bootstrap-system/dotfiles-manager framework that can be installed with just one command on a new *NIX system installation. Its flagship feature it that it can pick and install packages from available package managers and can even install more package managers if necessary.
  • Abandon reason: Although convenient, it's too unreliable. Also Nixpkgs, Brew and Flatpak exist. Even better: New distros like Vanilla OS and Blend OS can even allow you to install packages from multiple package managers from different distro.


  • Description: Code runner CLI that can run any languages. It recognizes the programming language from the file's extension and runs the file with the appropriate command.
  • Abandon reason: You'd rather run the file by typing the appropriate command into the shell, which is more flexible and not much slower.


  • Description: Clipboard managers warper for Kakoune editor
  • Abandon reason: Just install Clipboard and add this to your kakrc:
hook -group 'clipboard' global WinCreate .* %{ evaluate-commands %sh{ printf '%s' 'set-register dquote %sh{ cb }' } }
hook -group 'clipboard' global FocusIn   .* %{ evaluate-commands %sh{ printf '%s' 'set-register dquote %sh{ cb }' } }
hook -group 'clipboard' global RegisterModified \" %{ nop %sh{ printf '%s' "$clipboard" | cb & } }

SuperB MK

  • Description: Its a files and folders creation tool inspired by Advanced New File.
  • Abandon reason: I rarely find myself needing to create multiple folders and files with complex structure. If I need a template, I just init it's using a proper tool, or copy a template from some repo. Also, you can setup your text editor so that it automatically create parent directories if a file is opened on a path that does not exist (e.g: mkparents options in Micro editor).

SuperB HR

  • Description: Horizontal ruler for terminal.
  • Abandon reason: This more of a shitpost than anything. Just put this into your shell config:
hr() {
for text in "${@:-─}"; do
printf '\033[?7l%*s\033[?7h' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" | sed -e "s/ /$text/g"

My Sed script collections

  • Description: This is a collection of Sed scripts to help you filter text.
  • Abandon reason: I never actually used it, I just made it for fun...


SuperB ST

  • Description: ST-base terminal with enough patches.
  • Abandon reason: Even though it's fast and minimalist, it's quite janky and maintaining / building the binary myself is quite exhausting to me.

SuperB UI

  • Description: It's a UI and colors management method that export the colors hex through environment variables so any program that can read environment variables can use it.
  • Abandon reason: That's a bad idea... Environment variables are very slow, unstable, some applications/cases hard to read it. Use Tinted Theming, Wpgtk or Pywal instead.


  • Description: DIYship is a cross-shell prompt framework that let you write your prompt with any programing language for any shell.
  • Abandon reason: Except for creating a prompt that competes with Starship, no souls need DIYship...


Da One

  • Description: A color scheme that vibrant and distinct but still maintain a pleasant harmony. It's design to work with terminal, meaning all accents tone have normal and bright colors.
  • Abandon reason: Catppuccin exist and it did exactly that but better. I saw Catppuccin when I was making Da One, I could just stop right away but I think I could make a better color scheme than Catppuccin (nope).


Orange markup language

  • Description: Orange markup language is an "original" markup language inspired by PML, design to replace both Markdown and HTML.
  • Abandon reason: After a while I start to realize that maybe we don't need another markdown language anymore:
    • For developer, HTML is the best choice because HTML's tags syntax is very clear.
    • For causal writing usage, Markdown and AsciiDoc is good enough.